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Q. Write C language based code to create and operate on ADT : Binary Search Tree with unique positive integer values as Key Vaues:

(1). Create a BST with a single node as its Root Node;
(2). Add a node with a given Key Value (give error message, if Key Value already exists, else add a node); 
(3). Given a Key Value, delete a node if it exists; else give error message that the Key Value does not exist; 
(4). Perform search for a given Key Value; if it exists, output " Element Found", else output "Doesn't Exist in the tree";
(5). Check whether it is a complete binary tree or not;
(6). Find Height of the Binary Search Tree;
(7). Find Difference b/w left and right subtree's heights;

Q. Write C language based code to create and operate on ADT : Binary Search Tree with unique positive integer values as Key Vaues:
(1). Create a BST with a single node as its Root Node;
(2). Add a node with a given Key Value (give error message, if Key Value already exists, else add a node); 
(3). Given a Key Value, delete a node if it exists; else give error message that the Key Value does not exist; 
(4). Perform search for a given Key Value; if it exists, output " Element Found", else output "Doesn't Exist in the tree";
(5). Perform In-order, Pre-order, Post-order traversal of a given BST and print Key Values in a row, separated by vertical bars; 

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